You should have a Will in order to ensure that your belongings are given to the people that you want them to be given to upon your death. If you do not have a Will, there is a law in South Carolina that dictates which of your blood relatives get your belongings, and it may or may not be who you want to have them.
A Power of Attorney is an important document that everyone should have executed just in case there is an unforeseen accident or medical condition that renders you legally incompetent – even if it is just while you are under anesthesia. In this document, you are giving the person of your choosing the ability to handle your affairs if/when you are unable to do so.
The purpose of this document is for you to express in writing the decisions that you want to be made about your health care at the end of your life when you are not able to make them. Having this document makes it easier for your loved ones to make very difficult decisions by helping them to know that they are honoring your choices, choices that you have documented for them in your Health Care Power of Attorney.
Estates must be probated whether or not there is a Will. It is necessary to probate an estate in order to legally transfer ownership of property, especially real estate, so that the deed for it is in the name of someone who is living and the property can be sold.
A certified copy of the death certificate (with raised seal), a copy of the funeral program, a list of the names and addresses of all living blood relatives.
It takes approximately one (1) year for an estate to go through the probate process. When an estate is opened, there is a notice to creditors published in a local newspaper. Potential creditors have an eight (8) month time period in which they can make a claim against an estate. If they make a claim that is valid, the personal representative of the estate can pay the claim; if the personal representative does not believe that the claim is valid, then they can deny the claim. A probate judge will decide based on evidence presented by both parties whether or not the claim is valid.